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Feb 3, 2010

Joan Crawford--2/3

Joan Crawford is, sadly, remembered more as 'Mommie Dearest' than anything else. It's sad because she really was one of the greatest actresses of her time, of any time. She is always fantastic. See The Women, Johnny Guitar, Mildred Pierce, or Grand Hotel and you will see her in all her glory. I just watched What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? again after a long time. I always remember this movie as, pretty much, belonging to Bette Davis. And the truth is that it really does. But when I watched it this time, I fell in love with Crawford's performance. I am pretty sure that this is Joan's most understated and beautiful performance. She sits quietly back while Bette Davis has a scenery feast. And she manages to break my heart as well. I love her in every scene. The movie is set up for you to root for Joan as Blanche, while Bette's Jane treats her like shit, but somehow every other time I have seen it, I have rooted for Jane. I guess it was my love for a loud brassy broad. This time, however, I actually caught myself getting teary for Blanche.
The two scenes that got me, both involved Blanche and the telephone. The first is the first time that Jane leaves the house, after she has served Blanche her beloved bird on a platter and taken her phone away. Blanche realizes she needs to do something. So, for the first time, she thinks about getting herself down the stairs to the telephone. She comes as close as to put her crippled feet on the floor, but chicken's out. A few scenes later, after much more terrible treatment, Blanche finally takes the chance. She pulls herself out of her chair, and down the stairs. She calls the doctor that she has been trying to get to help her sister. Crawford is so desperate. And her desperation grows and grows as the movie goes on. She is so quiet about it. She is not the silent movie star or the over the top leading lady she was for much of her career. She is subtle, and quiet in her desperation, and defeat. I have a new attitude on this movie now!! Thanks Joan!!!!
You wouldn't be able to do these awful things to me if I weren't still in this chair.

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