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Jan 18, 2010

Globes Globes Globes

  • THE FASHION: This is not a fashion blog so I will just say this. Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Garner, Toni Collette and Sofia Vergara were the best dressed women there. And Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock looked like they bought their dresses at Forever 21. PS Julia was also a HOT DRUNK MESS THE WHOLE NIGHT which made for great TV!
  • THE HOST: I LOVED Ricky Gervais as the host. He was hilarious. He wasn't overly present, he was there just enough to make an impression and do his brand of humor, which is hilarious.
  • THE MEN: So, I pretty much could care less about the male winners. I just love actresses more. I wasn't surprised by any of them, except Robert Downey Jr., who was looking HOTT by the by. His speech was also the best.
  • THE WOMEN: OK...I could not be happier about the wins of Mo'Nique (of course, she was the most deserving) Toni Collette (her show is brilliant) and Drew Barrymore ("this is the best thing to wear for today") I was not at all surprised by Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock's wins. Although, I don't think Bullock was the best of her competitors. (I'll get on another soapbox about that later)
  • THE SPEECHES: Best speeches of the night go to Mo'Nique, Drew Barrymore and Robert Downey Jr. Worst speeches of the night go to Christoph Waltz and The Producers of GREY GARDENS.
  • THE BIG WINNERS: OK Globes, you got it right with Grey Gardens, and Mad Men, but beyond that, I am disappointed. The Hangover? Really? Over Julie and Julia and (500) Days of Summer? I was a little mad at that one. Then Glee over Modern Family and 30 Rock?? Seriously??? DISAPPOINTED. Then lastly AVATAR over The Hurt Locker???????? I AM NOW PISSED!!!!!!
  • OVERALL: Overall it was a pretty good show. I sometimes wish only the actors got to make speeches, because they were the only interesting ones, but that's just me. Some of those winners have me scared for the Oscars though!!

Well, there you have it. Expect a soapbox speech from me later about the Best Actress category this awards season. I am a little angry about it!

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